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Thanks for stopping by! I am so excited for you as you embark on the journey of pregnancy. I am sure you have so many questions and are looking for the perfect fit in a provider. 

At Sweet Cheeks Midwifery we are focused on individualized mother centered care. We believe that your body and your baby are working together to guide you in what is best for each of you. We focus on facilitating physiological birth through trusting your intuition from the very first visit. We love for our mamas to feed their bodies whole foods, whole food supplements, prepare their minds through meditation and education, also to be physically active every day.

I would love to talk and answer your questions!

Please fill out the form below and I will reach out to you in the next 24-48 hours!

I look forward to talking with you!

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©2019 by Sweet Cheeks Midwifery. 

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