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  • Writer's pictureCatharine Butler

Sweet Cheeks Midwifery

Dear Mama To Be-

You are embarking on a beautiful journey. From the very beginning you have probably been receiving advice and suggestions. As you listen to these you start questioning your own intuition. I encourage you to slow down and listen to what your body and baby are telling you. This is how we learn to parent from a place of inner guidance. Trust the process.

Trust that the memories that are being brought up are things your mind is saying “ Hey let's work through these triggers before we bring another soul into this space.” Find a space that is quiet and peaceful and go there every day to just hold space for your growing body and baby. Breathe deeply and listen to calming music. As feelings and emotions come up lean into them. Let them wrap your whole being and just be. As we let our emotions out we let our body know that it is safe and all the things we are feeling are understandable, because they are!

You are doing one of the most amazing things this world has to offer. It will stretch your body and its capacities to the max. You are made to do this! You are so powerful and capable. Remember, “I know I can do this because I am doing it! I am doing it beautifully.”

Lots of love,

A Midwife who knows you are so capable of everything this journey gives you!

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