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Dandelion Leaves

Kind Words

Here are some kind words from a few moms I have worked with. 



Catharine was an amazing support and comfort during my pregnancy and the birth of my little guy. She helped to make my birth experience everything I wanted and more. From words of encouragement to pressure on my hips because let's be real back labor is the worse. She was an amazing addition to my birth experience and I am greatful she was there to help me and my little guy.



 What was high risk in the hospital was handled with care and turned into the most beautiful birthing experience I could ever have hoped for at home.Catharine is one that is strong, knowledgeable, and confident-but so gentle and caring when you’re in birth. I remember just doing whatever she said and it always helped me. My husband kept saying he was grateful she was there and trusted her implicitly.



I found Catherine when I was looking for a doula for my first home birth. I was really comforted by her empathy, guidance, and openness. Having her at the birth of my babies was a great blessing, as she brings a beautiful spirit of peace and love that is so desirable for such a sacred experience. I recommend her above any doula or midwife I know.

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I look forward to talking with you!

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